Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What to Expect at An Audition and How to Act

waiting and preparing for an audition can make you nervous but these tips from the new york acting school will make you feel more ready and confident
Some of you are seasoned actors and others are just in the beginning of your adventure.  For those of you who are new to acting and need a few pointers, worry you not. The New York Acting School for Film and Television is here to walk you through the unknown. 

As far as what to expect... When you arrive at the auditions, you'll be asked to sign in your name and wait patiently for your turn. Usually, you'll be auditioning before more then one person. Among them will be the director, the writer (possibly), producer, casting director, and some others involved with the production. If they introduce themselves, they'll probably say ask you what you are going to perform for them.  If they don't do that, simply take the lead. Introduce yourself and your audition piece by stating your name, the name of the play, character and writer.

If you are able to get a hold of the script or the background of the material, please make sure you read what you can before your audition. Depending on where you are auditioning, be aware of your body, your surroundings and the people watching you.  Make sure your facial expressions and body language are visible to everyone so they have a chance to see your potential. 

In regards to the interview, you may be thanked after you perform or you may be asked for your resume and a few questions.  It can feel pretty unnatural to just be standing there on a stage while someone seated behind a desk asks you questions. But try to relax.  Think of yourself as a (humble) expert in your field.  Getting in front of a crowd or camera is not so different so try to get comfortable with this idea beforehand. The best way to prepare for this is to practice with a friend a mock interview. Just have them sit while you stand and make up questions about your resume or performance. Be aware of fiddling with your clothes, or body swaying.  These are clear signs of insecurity. Work on relaxing your body (especially your hands) and keeping still. 

I hope these tips help. Remember to stay flexible if the director wants to see you perform you audition piece a different way. Once the audition is over, forget about it. If you get a callback, it will be a nice surprise. If you don't, they'll be many more auditions. 

You are in this for the art!  If you're not, we have more to talk about.  Stay in the game and get more training with an acting coach or at classes.  If you're in New York, stop by and let us know how we can help you further. 

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