A website. Websites are your online business cards. Of course there are other resources you should be taking part in, but for today, we're focusing on the biggest one. At the New York Acting School for Film and Television, we have seen so many people come and go, with the potential to go so far, but they hold themselves back by not engaging in the most necessary business choices. But you don't have to make those same mistakes.
Here are some basic tips to building a proper actor's web site to further, rather than limit your acting success. After all, your goal is to be hired.. not just hope for the best.
The Actor's Website
Don't be afraid. Web pages aren't just for corporations and home businesses anymore. They are available for creatives and performers all over the globe to take their place on the web.
Know thyself.
Know your personal brand. No, don't be so 'branded' that you are type casted. But define your strengths and see that they are communicated on your page. Are you bold and confident with class? Are you kind, gentle and determined? Let these things show through in your layout, graphics and color scheme.
Keep it simple. This can even be a one pager if you want. Make sure the header sends a clear message to the reader about who you are and what you do. If you specialize in voice over, let it show. If you enjoy more camera work, don't have it littered with theatre imagery.
Your header should say it all.
Tell who you are, what you do and leave a way for people to be in touch with you. This can be a sign up to your newsletter, or a simple contact form. I suggest a high quality photo with simple text. Keep it his resolution and classy. People want to feel that they are working with a professional.
The body.
Tell a short bio emphasizing what your skills and passions are. People are interested in your story, but more interested in what you can do. This is a good place to put one more, different head shot. If you create videos or audio samples, feel free to include these on the page as well, if there is room.
You are talented and have chosen performance as a career. It's still a business and you should be performing your best online as well.
At The New York Acting School we want to see you succeed. Please call us and let us know how we can help you achieve your dreams!