You deserve to succeed in life, and shouldn't be limited by things that are in your power to get rid of.
At the The New York Acting School for Film and Television we know that it doesn't matter how optimistic you are or how talented you are, there's one thing that, if you don't deal with it, can rob you of your potential success.
What is this golden nugget of truth?
Don't Let Other People Limit Your Acting Success.
Toxic people. No matter who they are it's important not to let their habits and negative presence stifle your drive or mojo for that matter.
These are the people that rob you of your energy, cause you to feel small or incapable, cause you to be lost in the obligation of constantly serving them for fear of feeling guilty of falling short. Other toxic people would include, those that are abuse, those who have a drug or alcohol dependency and those who are unhappy with their life - and look to minimize the dreams or wants of others.
Of course, I covered a lot of people there, but I think you get the idea.
Why does this affect your career? Because it adds guilt, fear, obligation, insecurity and distraction to your dreams, goals and deadlines. These people do not require you for their own healing or success. You can be there, love them and support them, but don't be their spine. You have to be strong enough to be your own spine and the drive behind your success.
How do you deal with them?
1. Boundaries. Create clear boundaries about what conversations are helpful and which ones bring you down. If those boundaries aren't met, make them tighter. Limit your time with them to less days or hours. Be sure to tell them clearly that you are on a particular road, and if they want to support you, then x,y,z is what you need to be around them. You understand that they are not expected to change, but that you need to care for yourself and this is what you need to do that.
2. Release. Some people are simply stuck in their ways and it's not your problem, but it will become part of your problem by sticking around. You are free to release them to their own growth and choose to temporarily create distance in the relationship.
Your career has the right to succeed and and you have the right to enjoy the journey!
For more acting tips, classes and coaching, contact the New York Acting School for Film and Television today!
These individuals drain your energy, diminish your confidence, and trap you in a cycle of catering to them to avoid feelings of inadequacy. If you're interested in keeping track of your health and fitness, you may want to consider checking out the cost of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4.