Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why Actors Need a Resume and How to Format for Success

Why Actors Need a Resume and How to Format for SuccessIf acting is your chosen career, it's just as important for you to have a resume as it is for any other professional field. Without a resume, people will hardly take you seriously.  At the New York Acting School for Film and Television, we specialize in preparing talent for booking and for bettering the talent that is ready to know more. We want to share what you need to know to succeed in the industry. Today? Let's talk about the importance of having an updated acting resume.
Think of your acting resume as a calling card. You are presenting yourself to complete strangers who know nothing of your talents. With that in mind, be sure your resume is: 
  • Neatly typed
  • No longer than one page
  • Edited and proofread
  • Updated on a regular basis
  • In correct format
Your acting resume should never be longer than one page or have unnecessaries like paper clips. They bring clutter to the casting room and will only make things feel messy. In addition, you should be sure that your name and contact information are prominently displayed at the top of the page. This is so your resume can be found easily among others.
When attaching your resume to the back of your headshot, be sure it adheres solidly. There should be no clips or opened staples to snag on other photos in the casting director's pile.
Don't use clever fonts or colors on your resume. Keep the type simple, such as Tahoma, Courier, or Times New Roman. Always use black ink to print your resume, and be sure it doesn't smudge.
A small effort on your acting resume will go a long way toward presenting yourself as a professional.
Never underestimate the smaller details in building your acting career. For more tips like these, acting classes and coaching, contact the New York Acting School for Film and Television today. 

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