Here's one thing you should NEVER do when you have an acting audition:
Don't ever show up sick. You may think it shows dedication and resilience. While that may be true, the negative side of that out weighs the positive side. Even if it is with the casting director you have been trying to meet for years, don’t go. It is so not worth it. The fact of the matter is, if your illness will affect your audition in ANY way, don't go. The truth remains two fold. If you audition a sick voice, it may indeed be that voice the casting director picks is that of a sick one. You want to audition as your truest and most authentic self.
Aside from that, take into consideration that casting directors are already sensitive to getting sick themselves because they see hundreds of actors for any given project. The last thing they need is your runny nose, your cough, or a voice that doesn't sound remotely like your own healthy voice.
Auditions are hard enough already for everyone. Make it easier by delivering a strong first (respectful) impression to both your casting director and your for your career.
For more information on bettering your audition, acting classes and coaches in New York City, contact us at the New York Acting School for Film and Television and we'll get you on your way better than ever!
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