Monday, January 5, 2015

Helpful Reminders for the Worn Out Actor:

Feeling Burnt Out? Here Are Some Helpful Reminders for the Worn Out ActorWhen you're burnt out and wondering if acting is really for you, it might be
time for you to take on a healthy, fresh perspective. 
It's totally ok if you are tired and frustrated. To be honest, what most people don't realize, is that being a red carpet multi-million dollar face, isn't as common as you think.  It takes practice, being in the right place at the right time, investment and even luck.  But most of all, dedication.  You can't waste your time being discouraged and demeaning yourself over not getting a part. To succeed in this field is an active climb. Active. You have to keep moving. 
In light of your weariness, here are some helpful reminders for the worn out actor:

Acting is Your Craft.
Learning how to act is more than imitation: It’s hard work. Of course, there are some people born with tremendous acting talent, but the majority of actors spend years in classes and in training. This isn’t a bad thing. Taking classes and participating in workshops, or studying in full-time drama/theatre programs, can help you fine-tune your existing skills and pick up new ones. You’ll learn from instructors, directors, and other actors. It’s also good to take on as many roles as you can, so audition for student films and community theatre.
Be willing to really work for it
Most actors have to split their time between honing their craft, performing, working other jobs, and finding auditions. You won’t have a lot of time to be social. “To be in this business you really have to want it, commit to it, and work for it,” says actor Sarah Jean Hodkinson. “There’s going to be a lot of sacrifices.” Go to networking events, enroll in classes, hire a coach... do what it takes. Never stop learning.
Get your finances in order
Feeling Burnt Out? Here Are Some Helpful Reminders for the Worn Out ActorWe've already established that acting isn’t usually a lucrative career, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that balancing your books is on this list. Most acting jobs are in large (expensive) cities and if you don’t live in one already, the cost of living may be a shock. Do what you can to build a safety net: Get a loan, roommate, affordable apartment, part-time job—whatever you need to.
Embrace life experiences
Like writing and other creative activities, acting benefits from having quality life experiences—for example, it’s easier to play a character that loses someone if you’ve been through something similar. This doesn’t mean that you should cause trouble just to feel what it’s like or have a story; it just means that you should try to embrace things when they happen and appreciate the lessons you're learning. 
It's time to get out of your own head. It's time to meet new people and do new things. Get registered for an acting class; you’ll gain new experiences and perspectives that you can apply to future roles.
From all of us at The New York Acting School, we salute to your success!

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